Crayfish Rolls


Before we start, just know that here in Australia, the term for lobsters and crayfish are typically interchangeable. i.e. Tropical Crayfish and Painted Rock Lobster are the same thing…

Crayfish and Lobsters aren’t something that many people often have access to. Sure enough you can pop down to your fish monger at any day of the week and pick some up, but they’re bloody expensive. Also, if you’re like me and lucky enough to have the ability to dive for your food, the weather isn’t always great, making crayfish a bit of a luxury ingredient. This being said, when you happen to find some lobster/crayfish in your possession, you want make sure you’re getting the absolute most out of it.

This recipe really highlights crayfish, without too much fuss, nor many other ingredients….

Here’s what you’ll need -

Fresh Crayfish
Pane de casa rolls - Fresh ones!
Kewpie mayo
Chilli sauce of your choosing - I use Korean chilli paste!
Spring onions
Toasted sesame seeds

Here’s how -

- Boil your crayfish tail for approximately 8-12 minutes in salty water - sea water is best.
Once cooked, plunge straight into an ice bath to prevent over cooking.
- In a bowl, mix a tablespoon of chilli sauce, juice of half a lemon, diced spring onions and a generous squirt of kewpie mayo. Mix until combined.
- Once cooled, dice your lobster tail into 2cm chunks. Toss through your mayo and chill in the fridge.
- Warm your rolls in an oven. Not too hot.
Then once you’re ready, slice your bread down the middle, then simply scoop out the inside bread of the roll. This is to have more room for lobster.
- Butter your rolls generously and fill with your filling
- Garnish with more spring onions and toasted sesame seeds. Extra chilli sauce is optional.


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